I love our chemical free homemade shampoo! In just five months, our hair feels thicker and softer than ever.
Lavender & Peppermint Shampoo
1 part Dr. Bronner's Hemp Peppermint Castile Soap
1 part filtered water
a couple drops grapeseed, almond, olive, or jojoba oil (optional depending on your hair type)
1 vitamin E capsule
a few drops of lavender essential oil
Use a funnel to slowly pour castile soap and filtered water into a rinsed out shampoo bottle (We use one with a pump.) Snip off the end of a vitamin E capsule and add to the shampoo. Add a couple drops of your choice of oils (if desired) and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Shake gently before each use. Please note: this shampoo will be watery compared to store bought shampoo, but lathers and works great on our hair.
5/21/11 UPDATE: Since I originally posted this, I've made two other shampoos with castile soap that I like equally well:
Almond Shampoo
Mix the following in a reused shampoo bottle: equal parts almond castile oil and water, a couple drops of almond oil, and 1 vitamin E capsule.
Eucalyptus Shampoo
Eucalyptus has a medicinal odor, but is supposed to be beneficial in helping prevent hair loss and dandruff.
Mix the following: equal parts Dr. Bronner's eucalyptus castile soap and water with 1 vitamin E capsule.
Check out "Sorta Poo" (from the Crunchy Betty Blog)
No Poo
My husband uses the "no poo" method of washing his hair. (I haven't been brave enough to try this method yet!)
In a squirt bottle, add
1 part aluminum free baking soda (Red Mill)
3 parts filtered water
optional: several drops essential oil (such as lavender, orange, etc.)
*You can also just mix the baking soda and water up as you use it in a jar or glass. Some people simply wet their hair first and then make a paste of baking soda in the palm of their hand that they rub into their scalps.
A couple times a week, we also rinse our hair in raw apple cider vinegar diluted with water. The vinegar makes our shiny and is supposed to condition it.
We found the video below helpful in using the no shampoo method.
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